Wedding Sparkler Photography

Wedding Sparkler Photography

Wedding days are undoubtedly magical; they reflect a destined love finally joining and falling victim to happiness. It is a day when a love story is told and heard by all. We believe that such special days are one of the few things that cannot be fully explained, no matter how hard one tries. It is for this very reason that wedding photography carries an empowerment like no other.

VIP Sparklers joined the wedding industry with the purpose of finding a product that enhances your wedding day. We wanted to offer a product that both contributes to your wedding day pictures as well as your wedding day experience. We admired the presence and history of sparklers; thus, we gladly joined the sparkler exit revolution!

What are Wedding Sparklers?

VIP Sparklers has successfully been recognized as a staple in the wedding sparkler industry. We are deeply proud to offer high quality wedding sparklers that will perform beautifully for the wedding party.

Most people remember sparklers from occasions like July 4th or New Years. Essentially, wedding sparklers are very similar to July 4th sparklers; the main difference lies in their quality. VIP refers to “wedding oriented sparklers” as True Wedding Sparklers. True Wedding Sparklers are composed of steel wire cores and double-dipped in firework composition. It is considered a novelty firework and safe to hold.

The biggest secret to True Wedding Sparklers is the steel wire core. This feature allows a sparkler to sparkle evenly, consistently, and clearly. Wedding photographers will confess how much easier it is to capture breathtaking wedding sparkler pictures if the sparkler itself is of high quality. As some photographers will say, “editing will only do so much.” Besides, we all want your wedding pictures to require as minimal editing as possible; let the natural magic showcase itself!

Sparkler Exits

Sparklers are a very popular choice for grand exits. Traditionally, wedding exits are bitter-sweet moments where the bride and groom bid farewell. Bride and Grooms usually regret not spending enough time with their wedding guests, and a traditional ending to their wedding day does not solve this dilemma. On the other hand, a sparkler exit introduces a special way for the Bride and Groom to interact with their guests, not to mention the fantastic wedding sparkler photography.

In a sparkler exit, guests embody a unique symbolic purpose; with sparklers on hand, wedding guests create a warming, sparkling exit that guides the newlyweds to their new life! It is a bonding moment bridged by the loving energy of magic wands. Wedding Photographers are more than happy to capture this priceless moment where fireworks complement your passionate love for each other!

We would like to warmly thank True Photography for providing us with all the beautiful sparkler photography used in this blog post.