Use the Best Champagne Bottle Sparklers at your Event

Champagne Bottle Sparklers At Your Event

There are a number of different events that one might choose to host or be a part of, but not all of them are memorable. This is why so many people turn to accessories like bottle service sparklers which can certainly breathe some life into a party. The problem however, is that not all sparklers on the market are of the highest quality. For example there are those that might smoke a bit too much and cause serious problems in the room, or you might find that your sparklers that simply don’t last as long as you want them to, which is another problem entirely. In the end you want to be safe, and you want to make sure that you get your money’s worth out of the sparklers. It’s not always easy, but our company has champagne sparklers for sale that not only work well, but manage to truly set the standard when it comes to champagne sparklers.

The Best Champagne Bottle Sparklers

Our bottle sparklers are designed to last much longer than any other alternative you might find on the market. In addition to that, ours are virtually smokeless and ash-less, making them safe to use virtually anywhere that you might be hosting a party. These safe sparklers give a breathtaking display, and to ignite them, you simply place an open flame atop the sparkler. That’s all you have to do! Once ignited, the sparkler will emit a ray of sparks that shoots 6-8 inches in the air and lasts for about 45 seconds.

Memories that Count

Rather than plain old fashioned candles, why not add some sparklers? Our bottle service sparklers are already quite often being used in lieu of birthday candles by many of our customers simply because of the fantastic display they create. Additionally, they are safer than birthday candles, so you get a great show and a much safer experience. After all, you want birthdays and special occasions to be incident free! You should also note that we package our sparklers with instructions on properly inserting them into the birthday cake, making it easier than ever to organize your event. Or if you are looking for cake sparklers for your birthday, we offer those as well!

We have helped out more than 500 clubs across the united states with their sparklers, and we look forward to helping many more in the future. We have created a product here that has set the industry on fire without actually setting it on fire. If you have an upcoming event that requires a little extra jazz, then you have not only come to the right place, you have come to the ONLY place you will ever need for the foreseeable future. It’s time to light up the room AND the bottle. After all, no one remembers an event without sparklers.