Champagne Bottle Sparklers Use

How to use Champagne Bottle Sparklers

Club Bottle Sparklers

At ViP Sparklers we specialize in all sorts of sparklers. We have specific sparklers for all types of occasions from our wedding sparklers, premium sparklers, to our most popular champagne bottle sparklers. When VIP Sparklers was first introduced our premiere product was our nightclub bottle sparklers. We started as a small family company based out of Miami, FL. Almost every nightclub, restaurant, and lounge started ordering our champagne bottle sparklers immediately. Our bottle sparklers became such a hit because of the breathtaking display of sparks they create when lit. Once our nightclub bottle sparklers are lit you will see an amazing five to six inch display of sparks. Our bottle sparklers are unlike any of our other sparklers we offer! We wanted to take a moment to help inform our clients and customers on the proper way to use our champagne bottle sparklers to enjoy them with maximum fun and safety.

Our champagne bottle sparklers are offered in a couple different quantities to let all customer use these. When we first launched ViP Sparklers we only carried our nightclub bottle sparklers in full case form, which contains a count of 240 sparklers. In the beginning are main clients were just the nightclubs, bars, and restaurants. But after so much rave and support about our bottle sparklers the generally public wanted to get there hands on them! So we decided to launch a dedicated site where all customers can come and purchase our champagne bottle sparklers. Our bottle sparklers come in quantities of six, twenty-five, eighty, one hundred and sixty, and our full case. If you are looking at purchasing more nightclub bottle sparklers we also offer wholesale pricing.

Using Bottle Sparklers

We often hear from a lot from the general public on how to properly use the bottle sparklers. A lot of the nightclubs and restaurants are very familiar with the sparklers, so we barely ever hear from them. But if you are a first time customer the sparklers can look a little unusual at first glance. When you receive the champagne bottle sparklers you will see they come in packs of six sparklers. When you take hold of one sparkler you will see a red tip on one end and a white circular paper on the other end. Depending on how you plan to use the bottle sparklers will determine if they red tip will be of any use to you. People often forget that the champagne bottle sparklers can used to place in birthday cakes and desserts, which is way restaurants and bars love to use these sparklers. All you need to do is simply place the bottle sparkler or as some places refer to them as big birthday cake sparklers and stick the red tip into the cake. The red tip will help support and keep the sparkler standing upright while in use. To light the sparkler all you will need to do is put an open flame for about three to five seconds on the opposite side of the bottle sparkler where the white tissue end is. We recommend using a barbecue lighter or a butane lighter to make it easier on your end. Once the champagne bottle sparkler is lit you will see an amazing shower of sparks for forty-five to sixty seconds. Everyone loves these sparklers since they are virtually smokeless and ash-less making them one of the only indoor sparklers!

Champagne Bottle Sparklers Safety Clips

We also carry our champagne bottle sparkler safety clips for all nightclubs and bars that use these sparklers for bottle service.  Our safety bottle clips attach to any size liquor bottle on the market.  By purchasing the clips with our bottle sparklers safely secures them to the bottle.  Nightclubs used to use rubber bands and twist ties with the bottle sparklers which was extremely dangerous as you walk through crowds of people.  At ViP Sparklers we created our champagne bottle sparklers safety clips to securely fasten on to the bottle.  The best part about our bottle sparkler clips is they are reusable.  As long as your nightclub staff does not lose them throughout the night you can continue to use them on your sparklers over and over again.  We offer our bottle sparkler clips in quantities of ten, twenty-five, and fifty.  If you ever have any questions about our nightclub bottle sparklers or any other product do not hesitate to call our main offices or email us at